What to do at first!
By: Isabella Banich
My first few days here were hectic, to say the least! The first thing I did was unpack (I didn’t want to, but I knew it would make me feel more at home in the Château). I also met up with my roommate and some of the other students to go to the store.
None of us had any real food (only airport snacks lol) and we were famished! The trip to Auchan (the closest supermarket) was a tad overwhelming in the beginning, but we were able to grab a few frozen pizzas, some wine, and dessert for the first night. (I was amazed at how cheap everything was compared to America!) We all baked our pizzas and sat around the kitchen table to get to know each other. It was a fantastic moment and I definitely recommend trying your best to learn everyone’s name and where they’re from!
We also took a tour with our guide Sarah! She showed us where everything was in the Château, and the next day showed us around the town. Don’t worry if you get stressed about the bus/tram schedule in the city at first. Grab a map from the Château, mark where the nearest stops are, and the skill will come quickly!

Summer 2022 Ambassador
I am a Senior at Georgia College & State University and my major is Environmental Science. Currently, I am studying abroad at the Château as a student in the Intercultural Leadership program.