
The Hills are Alive

The Hills are Alive

After our visit to Germany, we hopped aboard yet another bus to Salzburg. Salzburg isn’t terribly far from Munich, which is why we decided to fit visits to these two cities into one long weekend. Salzburg was at the top of many of our travel lists, 

Hello from the other side

Hello from the other side

Other side of what? My 21st year? The Atlantic Ocean? The Franco-German border? Who knows. It’s been a while. My third week was sort of a whirlwind, not unlike the rest of my time here. Five out of my six classes were canceled and I’m 

Austria — Custom Sound of Music Tour & More

Austria — Custom Sound of Music Tour & More

It was 12:45am as I was talking with my parents while they were starting to wrap up their day and sit down for dinner back home in the United States. When all of a sudden two of my friends rush into the lounge and say 

Snail Mail: A Little Goes a Long Way

Snail Mail: A Little Goes a Long Way

In my preparations for living abroad for five months, I scavenged the internet for everything I could possibly anticipate. I planned for weather. I planned for culture shock. I planned for language barriers. This would not be my first time studying abroad either. Prior to 

Paris Survival Guide

Paris Survival Guide

When I imagined studying abroad in France, there was always one thought that was prominent in the back of my mind: Paris. Living on the eastern side of France in Strasbourg, Paris was only a short train ride away, though les grèves made booking the 

Vélos, Vineyards and Vin: A Guide to Colmar on a Budget

Vélos, Vineyards and Vin: A Guide to Colmar on a Budget

Gazing at the mountains surrounded by vineyards in the outskirts of Colmar, exchange student Susan Fauber hands her phone to two French women, “Pouvez-vous prendre notre photo, s’il vous plait?.” Planning trips can be very stressful, especially for large groups of people. The thing to 

Small Town… To Big World

Small Town… To Big World

In a very, very small town in Wyoming County, West Virginia, there is a road. You may not see it upon passing, as it is really small and not one to catch the eye. And on this tiny road, free of stores or excitement, you 

Comparative Transportation

Comparative Transportation

One of the things that I have appreciated most about living abroad is the extensive and efficient public transportation infrastructure that is available in nearly every major city.  Aside from the occasional strike, France (and their European counterparts) have massive transportation systems of subways, tramways, 

From Slovenia With Love

From Slovenia With Love

So, if the rest of my life were to be as wonderful as my last week was, I would be a very very very lucky little human. I experienced one of my first real snowfalls, a trip to a beautiful new country, and a fascinating start to what’s shaping 

La Deuxième Semaine

La Deuxième Semaine

My second week in France has come to an end. While this week was also filled with hours of orientation and registration for classes, we also took some time to explore Strasbourg’s city center and toured some governmental institutions. Each day I’m getting more accustomed