Author: Sarah Wallace

Heidelberg: The City Lost in Time

Heidelberg: The City Lost in Time

The city of Heidelberg, Germany was not at all what I was expecting. Other cities in Germany that I had visited bore the same similarities: new, pristine, industrious cities focused on innovation and consumerism. However, to me, Heidelberg is the hidden gem of Germany. Just 

Paris Survival Guide

Paris Survival Guide

When I imagined studying abroad in France, there was always one thought that was prominent in the back of my mind: Paris. Living on the eastern side of France in Strasbourg, Paris was only a short train ride away, though les grèves made booking the 

Small Town… To Big World

Small Town… To Big World

In a very, very small town in Wyoming County, West Virginia, there is a road. You may not see it upon passing, as it is really small and not one to catch the eye. And on this tiny road, free of stores or excitement, you